JPG to PNG converter

About JPG About PNG
JPG converter PNG converter

The JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format is one of the most widely used image formats. It's a lossy compression type file, meaning some of the image data will be lost when saved. This allows for smaller file sizes than other image formats and is defining feature of JPGs. JPGs can be compressed to varying levels as needed, while still preserving enough image data to be suitable for most use cases.

JPGs are widely used outside of images, for example as textures in 3D graphics and as icons or logos on websites. They're also popular for storing digital photographs due to having relatively small file sizes that don't take up too much storage space. The format works with most image editing software, and it supports an impressive range of color depths (up to 16 bits per color) and resolutions.

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics and is a lossless image file format used for storing graphics on the web. PNG files are supported by most modern web browsers and can be scaled up or down without loss of quality. Compared to traditional bitmap formats like JPEG and GIF, PNG produces smaller files with better compression, resulting in higher image quality.

PNGs support transparency, alpha blending, anti-aliasing, and multiple identifiers. They also include 8-bit and 24-bit color depths which can produce smaller file sizes than more traditional formats such as GIF. Additionally, the ICC color profile can be included with any PNG file for improved color accuracy.

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