MP4 to MKV converter

About MP4 About MKV
MP4 converter MKV converter

MP4 is a popular digital multimedia container format standardized by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). It stores both audio and video streams in compressed form, including subtitles, images, and other data. An MP4 file is typically composed of different data types, such as H.264 and AAC compressed audio/video streams, text (e.g., subtitles), metadata, and additional data describing the media content.

MP4 files are widely used for streaming over the Internet, due to their good compression ratio and compatibility with most major video platforms, including YouTube and Vimeo. They are also now commonly used as the container format for HDTV broadcasts and Blu-ray discs.

MKV (Matroska Video) is an open source file format based on the EBML (Extensible Binary Markup Language) container structure, capable of holding unlimited amounts of media and implicitly supporting multiple audio tracks and different video and audio layouts. It is one of the most popular formats for storing HD video content today.

MKV files can contain metadata, chapters information, and subtitles. It is used widely among many platforms such as Windows, Mac, Linux, TVs, most mobile phones, and Blu-ray devices. You can easily convert video in MKV format using any popular video converter.

Upload and convert MP4

Make sure you have uploaded valid files otherwise conversion will not be correct