LIT to LRF converter

About LIT About LRF
LIT converter LRF converter

The LIT (Microsoft Reader) file format is used to create electronic books. It is a proprietary format developed by Microsoft for its digital book reader application, Microsoft Reader. This format was primarily designed to work on Microsoft Windows devices, but with the help of third-party programs it can also be read on other platforms.

LIT files can contain text, images, hypertext links, tables and XHTML markup language and are encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. This format supports DRM (digital rights management) and offers the ability to record page turns, highlights and other reader activity.

LRF stands for the proprietary SonyPortable Reader File format, used for digital publications and documents. It is the native file format for the Sony Reader and other Sony ebook devices. Unlike other ebook formats like ePub, which allow readers to use different platforms and applications, LRF is locked entirely in the Sony platform.

Files in the LRF format are basically archives of JPEG images created with the Sony Librie software, referencing an xml document with a table of contents. It supports DRM encryption and can be converted to other formats like ePub or PDF using third-party software.

Upload and convert LIT

Make sure you have uploaded valid files otherwise conversion will not be correct