PPT to TXT converter

About PPT About TXT
PPT converter TXT converter

PPT (PowerPoint Presentation) is a Microsoft presentation file format used to create multimedia presentations and includes text, images, audio, video, animations and more. It is used to distribute information and is the native file format for Microsoft's PowerPoint software. It is also widely compatible across multiple platforms so presentations created in PowerPoint can be shared with other users, regardless of their operating system or device.

PPT files store the data and structural information of a Presentation as binary data and is also highly compressible so that presentations can be stored in small file sizes while preserving all content. The file extension of PPT files is .ppt or .pptx which indicates the version of Microsoft Office suite that was used to create or save the presentation.

TXT is a text file format used to store plain text data. It is one of the most common file formats for storing basic document data, such as emails, texts, and other plain text content. Files in this format usually have the '.txt' extension and are easily opened by any text editor software or by the Notepad application on Windows.

A TXT file is used to create portable documents that can be transferred from one system to another without requiring formatting changes. This makes them ideal for documents that will be printed or viewed on different platforms, as no special software is required. They are fast to load, easy to create and edit, and are small in size compared to other document formats.

Upload and convert PPT

Make sure you have uploaded valid files otherwise conversion will not be correct