TXT to HTML converter

About TXT About HTML
TXT converter HTML converter

TXT is a text file format used to store plain text data. It is one of the most common file formats for storing basic document data, such as emails, texts, and other plain text content. Files in this format usually have the '.txt' extension and are easily opened by any text editor software or by the Notepad application on Windows.

A TXT file is used to create portable documents that can be transferred from one system to another without requiring formatting changes. This makes them ideal for documents that will be printed or viewed on different platforms, as no special software is required. They are fast to load, easy to create and edit, and are small in size compared to other document formats.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language used for creating web pages and web applications. It is a system for annotating text, images and other content to provide a structured document with logical sections. HTML is used to create electronic documents (pages) that are displayed on the World Wide Web and each HTML page contains a series of HTML tags that control the appearance of an element or control specific behaviour.

HTML files must be saved with the .html file extension in order for them to be recognised by web browsers as HTML documents. The tags provide a series of instructions which are interpreted by browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer to render the content of the HTML page properly.

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Make sure you have uploaded valid files otherwise conversion will not be correct