PDB to AZW3 converter

About PDB About AZW3
PDB converter AZW3 converter

The PDB (Protein Data Bank) file format is used to store 3-dimensional structural data of biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, which can be visualized with chemical visualization programs. The PDB file contains information about the atom's coordinates, the residue name and sequence number, the secondary structure information, and numbers and names of hetero-atoms.

The PDB files are faithfully adopted to the widely used mmCIF (macromolecular Crystallographic Information File) syntax and are loosely associated with the following formats: mdl (Mol), mol2 (Tripos), sdf (Sparta), and cif (Cambridge).

AZW3 is an eBook file format developed by Amazon for use with their Kindle Readers. The AZW3 extension is basically a combination of the MOBI and KF8 formats that are used by most Kindle devices. It is based on HTML and can store both rich media content and text, making it ideal for digital book publishing. It also supports the inclusion of DRM (Digital Rights Management) for added security.

The AZW3 format is well-suited for use on modern devices like the Kindle Fire and the latest generation of eBook readers. Since this file format is compatible with both these devices, users can access their library of books anytime, anywhere. Moreover, they can transfer the content easily from one kindle device to another, without the need to buy a new device and license.

Upload and convert PDB

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