PDB to MOBI converter

About PDB About MOBI
PDB converter MOBI converter

The PDB (Protein Data Bank) file format is used to store 3-dimensional structural data of biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, which can be visualized with chemical visualization programs. The PDB file contains information about the atom's coordinates, the residue name and sequence number, the secondary structure information, and numbers and names of hetero-atoms.

The PDB files are faithfully adopted to the widely used mmCIF (macromolecular Crystallographic Information File) syntax and are loosely associated with the following formats: mdl (Mol), mol2 (Tripos), sdf (Sparta), and cif (Cambridge).

The MOBI file format is an eBook format developed by Mobipocket, which was acquired by Amazon in 2005. This format is used for eBooks that contain rich content like Adobe PDFs, multimedia, tables, images, and text. MOBI files can be found in two different versions: the MOBI and the PRC version. They are both based on the same reference last version of the Open eBook publication specification.

MOBI files use a custom compression algorithm which makes them easier to handle and smaller in size. The format adds support for DRM and allows encryption of eBook content which is mainly used to protect copyrighted books. MOBI files are mainly used on Amazon Kindle devices or apps, but they can also be read on other devices like smartphones or PC programs.

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