WMV to WEBM converter

About WMV About WEBM
WMV converter WEBM converter

WMV stands for Windows Media Video and is an audio and video codec from Microsoft. It was developed in 1999, by the Windows Media team to provide encoding with smaller size, improved quality, and better performance.

WMV files are compressed video files that allow streaming over the Internet, while still maintaining a high degree of video quality. It supports both video and audio, up to 4K resolution at 60fps, and encoding soundtracks with WMA or AAC formats.

WEBM is an open video file format based on the Matroska media container. It is primarily used for HTML5 video streaming on the Internet. WEBM files typically contain video compressed with VP8 or VP9 codecs and audio compressed with Vorbis or Opus codecs. It is a popular format for displaying video on the web as it produces high quality streaming videos which can be easily shared over the web.

Files with the WEBM file extension are small in size, making them much more efficient to download and store than other video formats such as AVI and MP4. Therefore, WEBM files offer a more cost effective solution for streaming video over the Internet. As such, many websites use this format to stream their content online.

Upload and convert WMV

Make sure you have uploaded valid files otherwise conversion will not be correct