OGV to WMV converter

About OGV About WMV
OGV converter WMV converter

OGV (Ogg Video) is an open, royalty-free video format developed by Xiph.org and is based on the Theora video codec and the Ogg Vorbis audio codec. The OGV file format provides a high-quality, scalable video streaming option to suit a wide variety of applications, from streaming video over the internet to playing full-screen HD content on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms.

OGV files are similar to MKV or WEBM files but can provide better video quality and a higher bit-rate at lower file sizes. OGV files also offer better compression performance and higher compatibility across browsers, devices and operating systems.

WMV stands for Windows Media Video and is an audio and video codec from Microsoft. It was developed in 1999, by the Windows Media team to provide encoding with smaller size, improved quality, and better performance.

WMV files are compressed video files that allow streaming over the Internet, while still maintaining a high degree of video quality. It supports both video and audio, up to 4K resolution at 60fps, and encoding soundtracks with WMA or AAC formats.

Upload and convert OGV

Make sure you have uploaded valid files otherwise conversion will not be correct